So I've had this GIANT secret for a while now and until this moment I've been sworn to silence. If any of you know me or have a Facebook page YOU'RE sworn to silence too after you read this... at least until my dad and the extended family has been informed of the afore mentioned secret on Christmas morning and then Sat. Lisa and Laura that's mostly for you since I think you're the only ones I follow on Facebook. Not that I expect you to mention it, but should you, my cousins would see and then they'd tell my aunt and she'd tell my grandmother, and she'd tell my great aunts... you can see where this is going.
So the big secret? My identical twin sister, code name Fenris, is pregnant! It might not be the biggest most amazing most world changing secret, but for us it's pretty awesome. And this little girl (sis's hubby, code name Chucky Duck, already insists it's a girl but we don't know yet) is our immediate family's first grandchild, then for the extended fam it's the first great grandchild, the first niece for all us cousins... and so on and so forth. It's safe to say that as far as my grandmother and her cronies go (they'll find out on Sat when we go up for Christmas) my sister's baby will be our version of Neo. She (he) is THE ONE. The long awaited grandbaby. All the rest of us unmarried, childless cousins will forever be the second-comers now... but that's fine with us. :) The baby is due late June, and I'm sure to post about it again before it gets here. For now it's a Christmas present we get to wait for.
Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe New Year please, my dad doesn't need the business that bad... (for those of you who don't know, dad's a funeral director)