But I digress. The point of all that dithering about things I won't ever write about, was to set you up for the announcement that I've started a WIP about.... werewolves... ack, I know... HYPOCRITE.... The thing is, I don't WANT to write this book, but all of a sudden these people are walking around in my head, bantering back and forth, having conversations that I don't understand but that somehow make sense, and I can't stand it any more. I have to write them down before I start acting like them... that would not be good, considering most of them are Wolfens... that'd be really hard on the furniture... and the horses at the farm would undoubtedly have a bad reaction to it... and, well, it's just better all the way around if I entertain the book until A) I finish it or B) I run out of story to record and it unravels, whichever happens first. I'm still working to finish my main squeeze WIP, Amarok and the Gone Missing Girl, and Thornbriar, my retelling of Beauty and the Beast is eeking along as well. But at the moment, my intemperate passion is fixated on what I've been calling Genesis. Which is about werewolves. Do you think this is punishment for all the grumbling and snarling I've been doing about all the 'my boyfriend/best friend is a werewolf/vampire/angel' books out there? Is Fate pinching my ass? Am I stupid to give in to the itch?
What stories (if any) have you ever sworn you'd never attempt and then found yourself attempting?
And to end on a note of 'aaawww' and prove to you all that I'm turning out to be an awesomely responsible Aunt Waguli, I've put in a picture (one of a dozen blackmail options) that my twin sis Fenris took tonight when she and the hubs stopped by for a bit.
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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