Monday, May 5, 2014

Cover Reveal for WHO R U REALLY?, by Margo Kelly!!!

So, Blogger got froggy and posted the cover reveal for my critique partner's book Who R U Really? earlier than expected. I was supposed to write a post to help celebrate it, and of course, pantster me, I didn't have anything together, so now I'm scrambling to get something up. Here's the cover:

In a world of 'body part' and 'girls in random gowns' covers, I adore this one. It's different, yet classic, and definitely one that would make me pull the book off the shelf.

I haven't had the opportunity to read Who R U Really? even in part yet, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it! To that end, I've already entered to win a ARC of the book on Margo's blog. You should too! And don't forget there are multiple ways to enter, so get to tweeting and sharing! You can find the reveal post and entry form here.

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